Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Share Post: A helping hand

I just saw this video on my friend Jamie's page and had to share it. (You can read her entire post here.)

The video is 6 minutes long, but I watched it all the way through, because if Jamie posted it, I know there's a good reason, and I enjoy reading every word, or in this case, every minute of video watching that she encourages someone to take in. Jamie is my favorite 'real life' philosopher.

Just watching this man help out the driver in the white car spoke volumes to me about kindness and the way I wish our entire world worked. It brought tears to my eyes. Acts of kindness always do. I'm a sucker like that.
Why can't everyone do little things like this for others that need a small push, or a little help (I'm not whatsoever talking politics right now) instead of taking a blind eye? It's nice to see people lend a hand to a complete stranger. For me, it's the little things, and making people smile that makes life really special. You don't have to know each other to be a good hearted soul. This guy in the jeep deserves a handshake (or a lifetime's supply of ice cream!) for not passing up the person stranded in this vehicle, like everyone else did. This made my day.
Thanks, Jamie, for your constant flow of inspirational posts.



  1. I told you there are angels in this world.

  2. Oh, I know there are. It's just nice to see it on video, too. This was happiness to my eyes.

  3. Agreed! The world is kind of messed up when it comes to these sort of simply humane things. Not only will the majority not stop to help but the ones that do something get treated poorly at times. Chris & I stopped in Oregon to help a guy whose truck was stuck in the snow only to get attitude the whole time we were pulling him out! =S I loving seeing that there are people out there who still have good old fashion values! Great post Roni!

    Love & Lollies... Jessa

    Confessions of the Cupcake Countessa

  4. Jessa,
    So the guy was giving y'all 'tude WHILE y'all were helping him??? Now that's a damn shame! What an ungrateful jerk. People like that can make the kindness in helping someone out a total waste of time.
    And thanks. :) Good for you and Chris, bein' good samaritans and all.


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