Back in July a group of our old Vegas friends paid us a visit for four sweet days. The first night in town we took a necessary trip to Clash Bar and indulged in many martinis and s'mores vodka shots. That's right, s'mores flavor - it's amazing. So, here's Chappie, myself, T, and Kimmy or "the Asian invasion" as we are better known. I know it's cliche, and I'm not even Asian. They just deem me so.
The next day we went over to Justina's (who also flew into town) house for a bbq. She is another Vegas friend who is coincidentally from the city Mikey and I currently live.
Another night, all but Justina and Mikey went out to Splash, a fabulous gay nightclub in New York City. It was a Sunday night and although it was pretty dead, we owned that dance floor and made the huge space our own personal playground till the lights came on.
Quite possibly my favorite picture of the night.
Unisex bathrooms! T is the
Hunter to my Jessica <3 (watch their videos) I'm not kidding, that is exactly how we talk to each other every time we're together.
A cool picture Chappie took of my shoe
The last day was spent in New York City, walking through Central Park, Times Square, and eating street hot dogs. You know, the fun touristy stuff. Unfortunately, T flew home early that morning.
And with that, I'll leave you with two quotes that I couldn't stop thinking about after I separated from the military and reflected on what it brought to my life, what I find to be the most valuable gift:
~ "How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard." -A.A. Milne
~ "Nothing makes the earth seem so spacious as to have friends at a distance; they make the latitudes and longitudes." -Henry David Thoreau