Tuesday, January 31, 2012

This, that...and that

I have to do a shi-ton of homework tonight, but here's what I've been wearing/been up to. 
We went with Isaac & Lissi (our neighbors/friends) to see the Royal Rumble (LOL!) on pay per view at this local pub. It was....comical, to say the least. It was slightly chilly outside, but perfect for shorts with tights. I took advantage. 
Cashmere (a percentage) shirt: Old Navy (super old)
Shorts: ModCloth
"Yall" necklace (yup, rockin' it again): Chryssi-Lou's etsy shop
Again, the winter is warming up here, even though it is in the 40's (ahem, Amber, haha). I guess I was just so traumatized by my first 'real' winter here last year that the fact that it's not currently in the teens means "warm" to me. So, I wore shorts again. These are totally different from the top ones, in case it's not too obvious. This is how Mikey takes my pictures, and it pisses me off. I'm never ready and I end up looking like a goof. I decided to show you the "quality" of pictures he leaves me to choose from.
Sweater, shorts: Urban Outfitters
Tights: Target
Flats: Bakers
Has been super draining. I'm beat. And I have a 3 hour break between classes every Tuesday and Friday, so I ran errands until I had nothing left to do but study...only I didn't feel like it. So I laid in my car for the remaining 45 minutes and turned on the radio.  "If It Makes You Happy" came on while I was looking through the sunroof windows of my car, and I swear I was 19 years old again, driving down a strange highway in Mississippi with the new girlfriends that I'd made in technical school for the military. It was insane how I felt like I was in two places, in two different eras of my life; it was so awesome to be able to relive such a random memory again. It always & only comes to me when I hear this song. But that's the way it usually goes.
Ramones tee: H&M
Jeans: American Eagle
Suspenders: UO
Cap: ??
Shoes: T.U.K. creepers
They're chipping and ready to be wiped off now, but here are the nails I've been sportin' for the last few days. 
Polka dots! I got the idea from here
Finally, I know I've said it a ton, and posted plenty of pics, but I just LOVE my school. This of course being my favorite building on the campus. The Mansion. Today was a beautiful day as I strolled across the grass and between big old trees. I had to get a picture. I don't even care how many of the same ones I have. Each picture was from a different day. A different moment I was having. 
I'd miss the crap out of it if I ever had to...err, move. 

Goodnight, dolls.



  1. It was in the 50's here today! It is really starting to freak me out. It is winter for crying out loud!! I really like the short and tight combo - I never wear shorts because I am not too fond of my legs but I should try this some time. I just had my boyfriend take outfit pictures for the first time today and the same thing happened haha. I made him take a ton to make up for all the ones with my eyes closed, crossed, or mouth open from not being ready yet. You still look cute in those pics :] I am really liking the Ramones outfit too. I love when a song can transport you to another time. Aaaand that is one fancy school building you got there! My comment is so disjointed but hopefully it makes sense.

    1. I love this weather - freakish or not! lol I love the shorts and tights combo; it allows me to dress casually without wearing jeans. Yay!
      LOL, I usually make Mikey take a whole bunch of pictures too, but I was SO exhausted that day and just wanted to take a nap or something. I thought there'd at least be a couple good ones. :) Thanks, though!
      Hey, no worries, I always leave epic comments on my friends' blogs! hehe You know this, I do it on your blog, too. I always have like ten things to comment on. I don't think I could shorten it down to a couple words if I tried. Your comment made TOTAL sense. ♥

  2. Hey lady! Loooove the yall necklace and the "not-ready" pictures! It's awesome that you even posted them. Did you guys like have a conversation about why they weren't good and what he needs to do next time to be awesome? Cause that's what me and the bf do...every time. And I'm from Mississippi. How long did you live there?


    1. Hey Melanie,
      I suppose I already answered these questions on your blog, so I'll simply say, "Thank you!" for the sweet comment and for visiting my blog. I appreciate it and I adore making new friends. :)

  3. I definitely get the two different places at the same time feeling all the time. Considering I spent major parts of my life in three different places. I love your TODAY outfit, those sshhhoooeeess!

    1. I suppose since there are no working time machines, music is a true version of 'going back' all its own. I love that. :)
      Thank you, doll. I could see you rocking these creepers!

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks, Morkie! I love and miss you mucho mucho mucho!!!!

  5. It was in the SIXTIES in Missouri today! This weather is crazy! But just wait, I bet in April we'll have a blizzard or something...

    Can I just say you are adorable? You keep me inspired to try and remain fashionable, even on those colleges sweats days! <3

    1. Holy smokes, the 60s?! AMAZING! I forget where you are, Tori. (I'm gonna revisit your blog and double check because that sounds like Florida, Texas or Vegas weather.)
      And I know, it snowed the other day just when we thought we'd make it this whole winter without getting any white stuff. It always happens like that, aye? :)
      Thank you, love! You looked absolutely beautiful today! And remember, toss the sweats. Don't even wear them when you feel sick! ;)

  6. Geez you busy busy girl, but yet you still make the time for all of us! Love you for that and for that last outfit! Teehee too cute Roni!

    Love & Lollies... Jessa

    Confessions of the Cupcake Countessa

    1. Oh, I say I'm busy, but I know people like you are probably busier. What with your charming etsy shop and everything! And I'll always *try* my best to make time for my lovely bloggy fwenz. :D
      Haha, love you too, girly! ♥

  7. I love the one of you messing with your hair! haha It's been warm around here too, but it's Texas. (Global warming at its finest....)

    I like how you posted pics of you in the car, because I was talking to you at that moment. Nice.


    1. Hehe I was fluffing my hair out in that one. Then I was still messing with it. Then I was talking to him. Aaaand then I was ready. LOL
      Oh, and yeah, I had fun talking with you during that moment in the car. Don't you just love heytell?! We're talking on the daily and not just through blogging. We're texting + emailing + blogging +PLUS+ heytell'ing!! Wooweee look at us. :D Love you, friend.

    2. Aww! Love you too girl!

  8. OMG, you look way too dang cute in that hat, tee and jeans. Love it! I like your nails too. Polkadots are my fave go-to because I can do them so easily myself. I have been tripping out because of how healthy and really nice my nails are right now. I'm actually just wearing a plain-jane bronze right now. Can you believe it?!?!

    With Class & Sass,

    1. Thank you, Khalilah. :) And yeah, I can definitely imagine your nails being super healthy right now, too, along with your hair. At least that's what I hear/am guessing.
      Plain jane? No way, nothing you do is plain jane! ;)

  9. That sweater is too sweet. It kind of looks like a present :)

    1. It does, right?! I thought the same thing when I first saw it and subconsciously, I think that's why I *had* to have it. I love presents. :)

  10. 40 IS NOT WARM!!!! You've been brainwashed by these crazy northerners!

  11. Lol @ "Shi-ton"! I love all of your looks, especially the last one with the cap and suspenders! Too cute! The nails are FAB too!

  12. I love your polka dot jumper and your school building, it looks very grand! What is the royal rumble? Is that a wrestling event? I quite like wrestling, hehe :) xx

    1. The mansion is very grand looking, aye. I love it so much. It seems to warrant a picture every time I look in its direction.
      Yes, the Royal Rumble is this wrestling thing. I liked it a whole bunch when I was a child, but it seems to have gotten even cornier! I didn't even think that was possible! hahaha But it was entertaining and there was one cutie that stood out among the rest and I kept teasing Mikey about how I had the hots for him. lol

  13. So cute, I like your "today" outfit :)

  14. AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH Stephen just told me that yall are getting ready to do what we're getting ready to do!!! wow is that cryptic enough?! LOLZ!! i dont wanna say it out loud so as to not jinx it!! i screamed when he told me though!!! So I'm sending good vibes into the universe and praying super hard for all of us!! :) :) :)

    1. Well, we're not sure yet. We'll see!! I'm pretty darn excited though, at first I wasn't.. In fact, at first I was like, "NO WAY IN HELL!" because of where it is. My friends are stationed there (one is T and you know him!) and they HATE it, buuut I figure, if I even have one super great friend out there that I've known for years then that'd be better than anything! I miss having people that I already have a solid friendship with near me!! Let's see what happens though. I don't wanna get too excited, which is why I haven't mentioned it on the bloggy. I love you!!!!


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