Friday, February 10, 2012

Let's Rewind 10 years: pt. 10

I'll tell y'all, I didn't think I'd be able to make it through 10 days of consecutive blogging...I like to take days off every now and then and get lazy. So let's finish this memory lane thing off, shall we?
2011 aka last year. 
~January: I started college, for the first time ever, and about 9 years late, but I suppose all that matters is that I'm finally gettin' my edumacation on. I mean, it's not like I was sittin' on my butt for all those years. 
~I turned 27! 
~April: Started hanging out with Isaac & Lissi, along with their 4 daughters. They live upstairs and we hang out pretty much everyday now. They're some of our best and most reliable friends in Jersey. 
~Enjoyed our first summer off, free to do whatever we wanted, in almost a decade! We took many trips, visiting my family in Texas twice, going to North Carolina, Delaware, NY of course, and Florida for our friend's wedding/vow renewal. 
We became an aunt and uncle for the first time, to none other than my favorite little boy in the world, Nathaniel. Meeting him for the first time was the happiest day ever.
The wedding in Florida also served as a grand reunion; we got to see a number of our old Vegas friends! Most importantly, I was surrounded by 3 of my best girlfriends in the world: Steph, Natty, and Chappie.
Steph, me, Natty, Chap
Natty & I enjoying the beach w/some of the best guy pals a gal could have
~December: We spent our first Christmas in Texas together. I hadn't spent Christmas with my family since 2008, and before that 2004...that's no longer going to be the case. Especially now with the babies in Texas. I wanna be there for everything!
Ten years in 10 days complete!
I hope you all enjoyed going wayy back down memory lane with me. It was a lot tougher than I thought, considering I'd forgotten, or put certain things behind me. Thank y'all for being full of thoughtful and inspiring words as you read along. 
I'll be back again later to show y'all some awesome surprise prezzies (I told you I was gonna steal your word, Allison) I received in the mail + the pretty things Mikey gave me that all together have made this the best start to 28! 


  1. Yay! You certainly have had an interesting ten years. I'm so sorry to hear about your miscarriage in the previous post. That sucks mega balls. Also your red hair is EXCELLENT.

    1. Thank you for your hilarious words, as always! :)

  2. That red hair is pretty rockingly awesome. I really like it. I'm glad that you could find a way to keep writing and keep inspired. I can't imagine if I tried to blog about the things from my last ten years (granted, I would have been 13 ten years ago). I doubt I would want to tell anyone about teenage angst. :) However, it sounds like you have had some amazing adventures thus far. I wish you the best in college, and congratulations on your latest birthday!!

    1. Thank you, Dawn! And thanks for stopping by. I'll be sure to stop by your blog and say hi as well.

  3. =) Happy birthday, doll! You know I love yah! Can't wait to see you again! Then you'll get a proper present, in person. =) Oooh! There is so much we have to do still! Maybe I will move out there, TX isn't cutting it for me.


    1. Thanks, love. Can't wait to see you too, whenever that may be! And yes, we have tons to do.

  4. HAPPPY BIRTHDAY RONI!!! Wahoooooooo. I hope you have an incredible and beautiful day. Enjoy all of those awesome prezzies :] I am glad you are using/liking that word. The lady who babysat me growing up - basically my gandma - used it and I have been using it ever since.

    Last year looked like a good one for you and this one will be even better! Also, your hair was so cool red aaaand you own the cutest clothes.

    1. Thank you, Allison!!!! Glad you didn't mind I stole your word. I mean, sharing is caring. :) I love how you said, "basically my grandma". That leads me to believe there is more to this story, ay?? It's just funny how you referred to her as lady. haha
      Last year was great. I have no complaints! Thank goodness.
      And thanks again for the sweet stuff ♥

    2. Haha I don't know why I started out by calling her lady. I call her my grandma. She babysat my brother, cousin, her two grandkids, and I growing up. She is the sweetest lady I know :] She would make us mickey mouse shaped pancakes and use awesome words like prezzies.

    3. Oooh okay, that makes sense (now!). Heheh :)
      My mommy made mickey mouse shaped pancakes, too!!!! Oh, those were the best!!

  5. Yay!! 10 yes in 10 days, you did it!!!! This was an awesome little idea! Happy Birthday!!! Hope you're enjoying yourself already and save some energy for tn! It'll be alcohol free for me but we'll def have a great time! Happy 28th!!

    1. Thanks, Ash! And OMG in a way I'm glad this feature is over, LOL. It was pretty draining at times, but I wanted to do it.
      Thank you for coming out! It was so much fun!

  6. LOVE your style! all of your outfits are amazing. definitely something I'd wear. especially those dresses!

    found the route

  7. You look so infectiously happy in these pics. I guess if you're going to be infectious you'd hope it'd just be happy and nothing gunky and nasty, LOL!

    1. HA! TRUE! I just re-looked at all the pictures and you're so right. I do look really happy. Last year was such a perfect year. Not one thing I can complain about or not one thing that hurt me. It was all happiness and blessings. Thank GOD.


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